Callout: 21.04.18 - Two Callouts
Location: Croagh Patrick
The team were tasked at 1414hrs to assist an injured female on the eastern shoulder of Croagh Patrick. Whilst the first response party were en route to the first casualty the team were tasked to a second female casualty. Both had sustained lower leg injuries, were treated by MMRT medics before being evacuated by Coastguard Helicopter R118 to Mayo University Hospital.
Callout: 24-25.03.18
Location: Nephin Mountain
The team were put on standby by An Garda Síochána at 2030hrs while Coastguard Helicopter R118 carried out a search of the northern side of Nephin Mountain. Following this search by R118, the team were tasked to Nephin by An Garda Síochána for 0600hrs to carry out a detailed search operation of the area. The team carried out the search and were stood down at 1000hrs by An Garda Síochána.Search & Rescue Dog Assocation (SARDA) assisted with the search.
Callout: 24.03.18 - Two Callouts
Location: Croagh Patrick
The team were called to assist an injured female on the Cone of Croagh Patrick. MMRT first response treated the casualty who had a lower leg injury. A stretcher party was then tasked and the casualty transported to the Coastguard Helicopter R118. While responding to this callout the team were requested to deal with another casualty, who by coincidence, had been injured 50 metres from the location of the first casualty on the cone. This second female casualty also sustained lower leg injuries and was treated by the team. Both casualties were evacuated by Coastgurad Helicopter R118 to Mayo University Hospital.